about us

WE ARE GeXpress

We sent out 186 shipments on the first day we were in business. We now ship millions of packages every day, all over the world. Our expansion was powered by cooperation and creativity. Our commitment to providing exceptional customer service propels us to the point where now meets next.

Founder & CEO

Trusted Network

We always deliver your cargo on schedule and to the correct location. Working with carefully chosen carriers who run schedules on all the major routes throughout the world, we assist you in making sure your plans are reliable and in keeping your commitments.

Smooth Customs

We always deliver your cargo on schedule and to the correct location. Working with carefully chosen carriers who run schedules on all the major routes throughout the world, we assist you in making sure your plans are reliable and in keeping your commitments.



24/7 support

Through our 24/7 service, we offer all of our clients personalized support while providing high-quality services everywhere in the world.

rapid delivery

You ship with experts in worldwide shipping and courier delivery services when you choose CMG Express! With the help of our comprehensive express parcel and package services.

global service

GeXpress Move offers the broadest range of shipping goods, including solutions, services, and air, sea, and land transportation that are all value-driven and competitively priced.


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    Our Services


    Reach your destination 100% safe & secure